Sunday, August 28, 2011

World War 1

Lies being taught;

Germany was responsible for World War 1.
Germany was defeated in World War 1.

Now the truth;

I had already stated that during 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries, the activities of Masons in countries such as France, Germany, Italy and Russia, clearly showed that the goal of Masonry was socio-political revolution. Masonry wanted to establish a new order in which religious institutions and religious faith are eradicated, and to this end has attempted to topple monarchies that were supportive of religion. In many European countries, Masonic lodges became rallying centers for opponents of religion, where coups, uprisings, assassinations, political plots and anti-religious politics were conspired. Behind all such activities, whether on a small or grand scale, which have occurred since the French Revolution in 1789 to the twentieth century, is found the influence of Masonry.

The most interesting aspect of this silent and remote strategy is that those Masons who are carrying it out almost never reveal that it is being done in the name of Masonry. They do their work under different identities, titles and in different positions of power, but they impose a commonly espoused philosophy they adopted through Masonry, on society. According to the English historian Michael Howard, Masonic lodges concentrated their efforts in the second half of the nineteenth spread over to twentieth century to overthrow the two remaining important Empires: the Austro-Hungarian and the Russian Empires, and were able to achieve their goal as a result of the World War One. 

Dr Custos a German National in his book ‘The Freemasons, the world vampire’ wrote that French and English freemasons paid 5 million pound to the Serbs to murder Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife in Sarajevo. The murder took place on 28th June 1914. A detailed research of this theory reveals as under:-

Murder was committed by a secret society “Black Hand”. The relation of term ‘Black’ & ‘Hand’ with Masonry cannot be merely coincidental like many others facts. The murder was planned for 28th June when as many as seven teams of assassins were prepared by ‘Black Hand’ so that murder must take place on 28th June. The first six failed. Seventh was successful. It is commonly known that 24th June is Masonic brotherhood day. However only an informed mason knows that for calculating actual date the number 4 is added because of the Y L. Hence it is correct that murder if planned for 28th June had special significance for Masons. World War one ended when treaty of Versailles was signed on 28th June, 1919 -Masonic day. The pay-up can never be always evidenced even with today’s technology.
It was Serb freemasons in the Black Hand, the precursor of the Mafia, who launched World War I in 1914 when they convinced Gavrillo Princip to assassinate the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie in the streets of Sarajevo. Archduke Ferdinand's crime? From the mason's perspective, he was a Roman Catholic and heir to the Austrian throne.

During the trial of Archduke Ferdinand's killer, Gavrillo Princep testified that his colleague, Ciganovich, "told me he was a freemason" and "on another occasion told me that the Heir apparent had been condemned to death by a freemason's lodge."  Moreover, another of the accused assassins, Chabrinovitch, testified that Major Tankositch, one of the plotters, was a freemason.

28th July 1914 - The Austrian government blamed the Serbian government for the assassination of Franz Ferdinand and his wife and declared war on Serbia. Although Russia was allied with Serbia, Germany did not believe that she would mobilise and offered to support to Austria if necessary. However, Russia did mobilise and, through their alliance with France, called on the French to mobilise.

1st August 1914 - Germany declared war on Russia.
3rd August 1914 - Germany declared war on France. German troops poured into Belgium as directed under the Schleiffen Plan, drawn up in 1905. The British foreign secretary, Sir Edward Grey, sent an ultimatum to Germany demanding their withdrawal from the neutral Belgium.
4th August 1914 - Germany did not withdraw from Belgium and on 4th August 1914 Britain declared war on Germany.
With Britain's entry into the war, her colonies and dominions abroad variously offered military and financial assistance, and included Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand and South Africa.
23rd August 1914 - Japan declared war on Germany through her alliance with Great Britain, signed in 1902.
25th August 1914 - Austria-Hungary responded by declaring war on Japan.

29th October 1914 – Turkey extended help to German naval bombardment of Russia.
2nd November 1914 – Because of Turkeys help to Germany, Russia declared War on Turkey.
5th November 1914 - Britain and France, Russia's allies, declared war on Turkey, because of the help given to the German attack on Russia. The following is the list of Countries that went to War:-
Central Powers
1. Austria-Hungary
2. Germany
3. Turkey
4. Italy

1. Serbia
2. Russia because of alliance with Serbia
3. France because of alliance with Russia. German forces invaded neutral
4. Belgium to cut short their route to France.
5. Great Britain because of alliance with Belgium.
6-10 Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, South Africa because of being Colonies of Great Britain.
11. Japan because of its alliance with Great Britain.
12 Portugal (9th March 1916)
13. Romania (April 1916)
14. America (6th April, 1917)

During or after February, 1915 Bro. Winston Churchill, critical of the Dardenelles campaign, resigned his post as First Lord of the Admiralty. He rejoined the army as a battalion commander. Winston Churchill served in Belgium as lieutenant colonel of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. IN December 1916 Lloyd George became Prime Minister of the war time coalition in England. There was considerable disagreement among the members of the Cabinet, especially between Lloyd George and his war secretary, Sir Douglas Haig. Lloyd George suspected Haig of squandering life needlessly and was suspicious of his demands for more men and freedom of action in the field. Bro Sir Earl Douglas Haig British Field Marshal during World War I was initiated in Elgin Lodge No. 91, Leven, Scotland.

6th April, 1917 The United States of America declared war on Germany in response to the sinking, by German U boats, of US ships.? The war on behalf of America was led by American General Bro. John Joseph Pershing Lincoln Lodge No. 19, Lincoln Nebraska. 2nd American Army General was Douglas MacArthur who became a 5 star American General, having served in both world wars. He was Made a Mason "at sight" in the Philippines and became 32 deg in Manilla and life member of the Nile Shrine Temple, Seattle, Washington. Poinsett, Joel R. USA Secretary of War, Master: Solomon's Lodge No. 1, Charleston, introduced Freemasonry into Mexico.

In November German armies were still in French and Belgian territory, Berlin remained 450 miles from the nearest front, and the German armies retired from the field of battle in good order. Britain and France were too war-weary to contemplate an invasion of Germany with its unknown consequences. No Allied army had penetrated the western German frontier, Western Front, and on the Eastern Front, Germany had already won the war against Russia, concluded with the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. In the West, Germany had come close to winning the war with the Spring Offensive. – Quote of Adolph Hitler “when out of the cool nights the Allied soldiers already seemed to hear the dull rumble of the advancing storm units of the German army, and with eyes fixed in fear and trepidation awaited the approaching judgment, suddenly a flaming red light arose in Germany, casting its glow into the last shell-hole of the enemy front: at the very moment when the German divisions were receiving their last instructions for the great attack, the general strike broke out in Germany in all of its armaments factories thus depriving the German army of crucial arms and ammunitions. It strengthened the enemy belief in victory and relieved the paralyzing despair of the Allied front-in the time that followed, thousands of German soldiers had to pay for this with their blood. The instigators of this vilest of all scoundrelly tricks were the aspirants to the highest state positions of revolutionary Germany.”-

9th November, 1918 Germany surrendered and German King Kaiser Wilhelm II was abdicated. On the Abdication of King Kaiser Wilhelm II, Adolph Hitler in his famous biography “MEIN KAMPF” says :-
“In November the general tension increased. - And then one day, suddenly and unexpectedly, the calamity descended. Sailors arrived in trucks and proclaimed the revolution; a few Jewish youths were the 'leaders' in this struggle for the 'freedom, beauty, and dignity' of our national existence. None of them had been at the front.”

The craft masonry is nursery of Masonry. Actual masonry begins with higher degrees. When I was reading Mein Kampf I could immediately realize the connection of these three words to Freemasonry which became the War cry of ‘Revolutionaries’ which ended the World War One.

The Imperial Naval Command in Kiel under Admiral Franz von Hipper, planned to dispatch the fleet for a Final battle against the British Navy in the English Channel. The sailors revolt started on the Schillig Roads off Wilhelmshaven, where the German fleet had anchored in expectation of a planned battle. During the night from 29 to 30 October 1918 some crews refused to obey orders. On board of three ships from the Third Navy Squadron sailors refused to lift anchor. On board of the battle ships from the First Navy Squadron SMS "Thüringen“ and "Helgoland" outright mutiny and sabotage occurred. As of 4 November delegations of the sailors scattered out to all larger cities in the country with the cry of 'freedom, beauty, and dignity'. Already by 7 November the revolution had seized all larger coastal cities as well as Hanover, Brunswick, Frankfurt and Munich. In Munich a Workers' and Soldiers' Council forced the last King of Bavaria, Ludwig III, to abdicate. And for all practical purposes War was over.

In November 1919, the newly elected Weimar National Assembly initiated a Untersuchungsausschuß für Schuldfragen to investigate the causes of Germany's defeat. On November 18th, German Field Marshal Von Hindenburg testified in front of this parliamentary commission, and cited a December 17, 1918 Neue Zürcher Zeitung article that summarized two earlier articles in the Daily Mail by British General Frederick Barton Maurice with the phrase that the German army had been 'dagger-stabbed from behind by the civilian populace'.

General Erich Friedrich Wilhelm Ludendorff was Chief of German Army staff during World War 1. After the war he wrote a book blaming Freemasonry for Germany’s defeat. To quote a few lines :-
"Masonry brings its members into conscious subjection to the Jews... it trains them to become venal Jews.. German Masonry is a branch of organized international Masonry the headquarters of which are in New York ...There also is the seat of Jewish world Power.... Freemasons wore aprons to conceal the fact that, being Jews, they had been circumcised."

In the book, General Ludendorff blamed Freemasons for bringing America into the World War I, helped by the Jesuits, B'nai B'rith and the Grand Lodge of New York! This, he stated, was done to destroy Austria Hungary, a Catholic world power. Had it not been for Freemasonry, Germany would have won the war -- Kaiser Wilhelm and Czar Nicholas lost their thrones because they were not Freemasons -- "Annihilation of Freemasonry Through Revelation of its Secrets!"

Freemasons still honor those who laid down their lives for New World Order or a World dominated by Jews

List of decesed members of Inner circle in Temple church London. These photos were taken by Author.

The list contains names of several hundred of those who sacrificed for the "cause".

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